Midnight Kitchen’s lunch meal service is back! Here’s what you need to know about the changes we’ve made starting Fall 2022:

  • Location: University Centre - Shatner Building, 3480 McTavish Street - 2nd floor cafeteria.

  • Schedule: We will start with bi-weekly servings beginning September 15th. Find our serving schedule on our public calendar!

  • Ticket system: We will operate with a numbered ticket system at the cafeteria entrance or just inside the cafeteria. Service is First Come First Served until we are out of tickets. There is no pre-registration required.

  • Meals available: We will start with a modest amount of 50 prepackaged meals and gradually increase as figure out what works best. If we run out of meals, we will update the public calendar.

  • Masking: For Covid safety reasons, we encourage our service users to wear a mask while picking up their food, circulating in the space and take their meal to go if they are able. There are also masks available at the building entrance and we will leave some by the cafeteria entrance.

Click here to find more information about our meal preparation service!

Midnight Kitchen