audio / archives / pamphlets
Midnight Kitchen in the (student) news
Banking on our bellies: Midnight Kitchen and the battle for food security ~ published in the McGill Daily / October 28, 2019
Clubs still struggling to find spaces ~ published in the McGill Tribune / December 3, 2019
Midnight Kitchen: Students discuss social justice issues over vegan breakfast ~ published in the McGill Tribune / January 16, 2018
Midnight Kitchen celebrates 15th anniversary with vegan tacos and birthday cake ~ published in the McGill Tribune / December 21, 2017
Midnight Kitchen’s ‘Radically Haunted McGill Walking Tour’ walking tour sheds light on McGill’s dark past ~ published in the McGill Tribune / November 3, 2017
Politics in the kitchen: The history of Midnight Kitchen’s political mandate ~ published in the McGill Tribune / February 2, 2o16
Students vote “yes” to Midnight Kitchen, SSMU Daycare fee increases ~ published in the McGill Tribune / November 19, 2013
Hundreds rally to save Arch Cafe ~ published in the McGill Daily / September 23, 2010
Student’s boycott corporate food services ~ published in the McGill Daily / March 31, 2008
The Grassroots Association for Student Power ~ Compilation on McGill Food Services (December 2007)
Intro to Midnight Kitchen flyer
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Audio from farming while black book launch
March 5, 2019
Audio recording of a keynote featuring special guest Leah Penniman of Soul Fire Farm, author of Farming While Black.
Soul Fire Farm is committed to ending racism and injustice in our food system. Through programs such as the Black-Latinx Farmers Immersion, a sliding-scale farmshare CSA, and Youth Food Justice leadership training, Soul Fire Farm is part of a global network of farmers working to increase farmland stewardship by people of color, restore Afro-indigenous farming practices, and end food apartheid. And now, with the new book Farming While Black, Soul Fire Farm extends that work by offering the first comprehensive manual for African-heritage people ready to reclaim our rightful place of dignified agency in the food system. Join us to learn how you too can be part of the movement for food sovereignty and help build a food system based on justice, dignity, and abundance for all members of our community.
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