Solidarity Serving
What are Solidarity Servings?
The Midnight Kitchen Collective provides free catering services to political and community-based events that are in keeping with our political mandate. Our aim in providing food for these events is to show solidarity with, and provide material support to the initiatives behind them. Solidarity servings are meant to support groups with limited financial means (ie. no institutional support or budget), to help make your events more accessible.
All of our meals are vegan and nut-free. While we try to accommodate the exclusion of other common allergens such as gluten, we can’t guarantee a contamination-free environment. Our meals focus on a balanced nutrition that fills your heart as well as your tummy.
If your group is able to afford catering for your event, check out the list of Rad Caterers that we’ve compiled!
request a solidarity serving
Requests are reviewed Monday mornings at 9AM and must be submitted at least 10 business days in advance to give us enough time to review your submission and plan the serving. If you’re requesting a large serving (ie. 80 meals or more) please submit your request even further in advance. Please also consider the time and energy it takes for us to plan a serving, and do not request more food than you need.
At this time we do not have the capacity to help with the transportation or distribution of the meals, unless your event takes place in the University Centre building. All food must be picked up at 3480 Rue McTavish at the downtown McGill Campus, and loaned containers returned to Midnight Kitchen within a week of the event.
We ask every group to state whether their event is wheelchair/mobility aid accessible and encourage them to conduct full accessibility audits. Exceptions to this policy are rare. If you need funding to be able to book an accessible venue, apply for our Discretionary Funding!
some events that we've provided solidarity servings for
Congress of Black Writers and Artists
CKUT’S homelessness marathon
Radical Frosh, organized by QPIRG-McGill
Status For All! March
ASTTeQ weekly drop-in
Project 10 Queer and Trans Youth Drop in
Anti-Colonial Dinner
Sisters in Motion