Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Midnight Kitchen only serve vegan food?

By purchasing bulk supplies of dry food and using the donations of fresh produce, a vegetable-based diet is the most economical and reliable choice for us. Plus, by avoiding dairy and meat, we don’t have to worry as much about storage or dangerous spoilage problems.
We feel that serving vegan food is the most inclusive and accessible option in light of dietary restrictions based on political, cultural, health or moral factors.

Does Midnight Kitchen really cook and serve at midnight?

Despite popular myth – no, Midnight Kitchen does not and never has served at midnight, though there certainly were some late nights cooking before we got a permanent space in Shatner!

Where does the name ‘Midnight Kitchen’ come from?

One of the founding collective members, Annika, just solved our naming mystery! This is what she wrote:

“As for the name, that was my idea and I pushed it [because] it is partially reminiscent of late nights/wee hours preparing food for catering jobs in my kitchen or the diocesan church basement, partly [because] it’s a little subversive sounding and we were subversive, and it also sounds like Maurice Sendak’s “In The Night Kitchen” which is a great (censored) kids’ book.”

Does Midnight Kitchen dumpster dive?


No – Midnight Kitchen does not dumpster dive. We get most of our fresh produce from Moisson Montréal, which is a food bank. Our non-perishables are mostly purchased from Aubut.

Do you use recipes?

Sometimes! Because our donations vary widely, we are unable to plan enough in advance to use recipes much of the time. At every serving, we provide a menu and we will gladly provide ingredient lists for allergen information. For a specific recipe, please talk to the cooking coordinator for that day.

Do you accept food donations?

We try to accept as many donations of vegan food as we have the capacity to store. Please get in touch with us via email at midnightkitchencollective[at] for more information. Any food with non-vegan ingredients must be non-perishable as we will donate them to our volunteers or people at our next serving.

Where does Midnight Kitchen’s revenue come from?

Until 2007 most of our revenue was made through the donations we receive at our regular servings and through catering. However, we now receive a fee-levy of $8 per undergraduate student as a fee-levied student service. For more questions or to see a detailed budget breakdown, please contact us at midnightkitchencollective[at]

Who runs Midnight Kitchen?

Midnight Kitchen is organized by a non-hierarchical collective made up of both volunteers and staff. The Collective meets weekly to address solidarity servings, discretionary spending, communication with SSMU, food purchases, and anything else that comes up.

How can I join the Collective?

For people looking to make a larger, regular time commitment, joining Midnight Kitchen’s Collective is also an option. Collective members, in addition to attending a weekly meeting, may take on a variety of responsibilities depending on the Collective’s needs and their own availability. If you’re interested in joining the Collective, send us an email, at midnightkitchencollective[@]